Sunday, November 14, 2010

Welcome Friends and Family!

So I have taken a cue from my lovely and talented sister, Becca (, and decided to start the Clark Family blog! I love the idea of creating an archival timeline of pictures and happenings of our growing family. Hopefully I will get the hang of "blogging" and post often. I hear it takes 21 days to make something a habit, so maybe I will test the theory and post for 21 days straight to see if it sticks.
I haven't started writing in Eva's baby book, so I want to use this blog as an online documentation of her baby milestones.

Unbelievably, three months have passed since Eva was born on July 29th, 2010. She has brought us indescribable joy! Eva is such a good baby, she started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks. She has also started to give us little clues into her personality traits. She likes to be around people, always gives smiles to strangers who come up to say hi--she seems to be very social. Also, since about 3 weeks ago, she stopped wanting to be rocked to sleep, she prefers to just be put her down in the crib so she can soothe herself to sleep, very independent!  Here are some pictures of our little munchkin from her birth until now.

First moments of life!

7 pounds, perfect!

Love at first sight

Going home from the hospital

Chloe is enamored

1 week old

2 weeks old

3 weeks old

4 weeks old, first smiles!

6 weeks old

8 weeks old

9 weeks old

10 weeks old

Eva loves bathtime, she has never cried during a bath since the hospital.

 First Halloween! Thanks Grandpa and Beany for the outfit!

3 months old

3 months old


  1. I love it!! She is such an adorable baby and it's amazing how fast she is changing. You can really tell in these pictures. Keep it up!!

  2. Thanks for starting this! When I get bored at work, I love to brag to everyone about my adorable nieces and nephews :) These pics are divine!

  3. These are so cute! I am so glad you started this!
